Buitenlandse studenten/Foreign students

Foreign students

Every year, we welcome foreign students in Tilburg and Breda. Are you looking for a room to rent? Please visit www.yourstudentroom.nl

You will find more information as soon as you’re logged in. You will only receive the login details if you are selected by the educational institution for an accommodation.

The rooms on this website are only offered to new incoming international exchange students of Tilburg University, Avans University and Breda University of Applied Sciences from all different countries.  In order to maximize your international experience Yourstudentroom.nl stimulates integration between international students from all over the world. Living in our houses becomes a beautiful and interesting international experience!

Here you can find frequently asked questions about the process of booking, arrival or your stay.

Also important: General Tenancy Conditions october 2021

Veel gevraagd over Foreign students

YOUR STAY: I would like more information about the rooms?


The surface of the rooms on offer are approximately 12 square meters at the Prof Verbernelaan (Tilburg), around 14 square meters at the Goirkestraat (Tilburg) and between 18 and 56 square meters at the Bredaseweg 293 (Notre Dame, Tilburg). The surface of the rooms at Epelenberg in Breda varies between 8 and 14 square meters. Besides your room you also have access to all shared facilities. The rooms in Rijtse Akkers (Tilburg) varies between 17 and 47 square meters. Almost all rooms in Rijtse Akkers are independent, with a kitchen and bathroom of your own.

All shared facilities include a package of basic inventory. Please be aware that the inventory might be second hand. A list of included inventory:
• Pots and pans
• Plates and cups
• Kitchen utinsels
• Glasses
• Cutlery

All rooms are furnished. This means that the rooms - at least - include:
• Bed
• Mattress
• Desk + lamp & chair
• Wardrobe

When you reserve a room via WonenBreburg you will pay

€ 54,45

for a brand new linen package. You will find this package in your room on the day of arrival. The package includes:
• One pillow
• One pillowcase
• One mattress sheet
• One quilt
• One quilt cover

YOUR STAY: Do I need to clean my own room?


Yes. The cleaning cost in the rent are for the common areas like the kitchen and bathroom. We are not allowed to enter your room so you need to clean this yourself. The cleaning of the common areas are only possible when the areas are clear (no dishes or other items). So it is important you make an agreement with your housemates for a cleaning schedule. In this schedule all weekly tasks are assigned to one of the housemates. In this way the tasks are equally spread. Disputes about cleaning the shared facilities are the responsibility of all housemates.

YOUR STAY: Will my room have internet access?


All rooms do have internet access.

BOOKING: All rooms are rented out. What should I do?


Unfortunately yourstudentroom.nl is unable to provide any further assistance when all rooms are rented out. Please do check yourstudentroom.nl regularly to check whether there are rooms available. If we don't receive a payment within 48 hours, the room will be available again.

Please check the accommodation webpage of Tilburg University regularly. They will keep this website up-to-date. In case of any questions you can contact their housing office.

If you want to book an unfurnished room you can register at www.klikvoorkamers.nl.

BOOKING: My reservation is canceled due to Credit Card problems, why can I not book a room anymore?


When your reservation failed - for instance because of Credit Card problems - your room will be released by the reservation system after 48 hours for other students to book. Therefor it is very important that you finalize your booking with 48 hours. 

BOOKING: Would it be possible to change or cancel my reservation?


Unfortunately, it is not possible to change or cancel your reservation. After you have completed your reservation you will be responsible to pay all monthly rent according your tenancy agreement. Only in special circumstances it is possible to terminate your tenancy agreement or cancel the reservation. Please do check the terms and conditions for detailed information.

BOOKING: Can I make a payment with my credit card?


You can only make your payment with:

  • Mastercard
  • VISA card
  • Maestro 
  • Maestro debitcard
  • V-Pay (Visa debit card)

Was my payment succesfull?
After you completed all the necessary payment steps you will be automatically receive a copy of the tenancy agreement in your email. It’s also possible to show the details of your reservation at the ‘my details’ page in your account at www.yourstudentroom.nl.

YOUR STAY: Which costs are included in the monthly rental fee?


The all-in monthly rent of a room includes the rent for your room and services. The all-in monthly rent varies based on the square meters of the room combined with the square meters of the shared facilities and the state of the room and house. The exact price will be visible on yourstudentroom.nl after you log in.

The included services in the all-in monthly rent are:
• Gas
• Electricity
• Water
• Internet
• Television (in the living room)
• Maintenance services
• Local taxes
• Furniture

In the Netherlands students usually rent unfurnished rooms and receive bills for services and utilities afterwards. If you decide to reserve a room by yourstudentroom.nl you will not receive bills for services and utilities afterwards. Your rental fee is all-in.

BOOKING: How do you know for which period I would like to rent a room?


The educational institution informs us about your program. On the application form, you've indicated the period of your exchange (autumn, spring, full-year start autumn). The period noted on your application form will be used for your room reservation.

BOOKING: Would it be possible to rent accommodation for a different period than the period stated on the website?


It is only possible to rent accommodation for the fixed rental periods. If you want to rent longer, you have to go through the process again with your university.

ARRIVAL: I will arrive after the official Registration Days, where can I pick up my room key?


When you will arrive after the registration days you should come to one of our offices. You can pick up your room key at the office of the housing company. Unfortunately, there will be no transportation available after the registration days to take you to your accommodation. Make sure you make an appointment by email (shortstay@wonenbreburg.nl) to be sure that you can pick up your key. Please note that it is not possible to pick up your room key during the weekend. 

ARRIVAL: I will arrive before the official Registration Days, where can I pick up my room key?


Unfortunately it is not possible to pick up your keys before the official registration day(s). We need some time for cleaning, maintenance, linen packages and other preparations. We do our utmost to arrange everything in time to give you a warm welcome in Tilburg or Breda. If you are planning to arrive before these days, we advise you to book a hotel for the first night(s) in Tilburg or Breda.

ARRIVAL: Is my friend allowed to pick up my room key?


You can authorise another student that you are familiar with to pick up your key for you. We need you to email us an authorisation for that. Send us an e-mail, containing at least:

'I, (full name and date of birth), give …. (full name and date of birth of the person you want to authorise) authorisation to handle on my behalf and sign the necessary documents to receive the keys of my room at ………………………………. (streetname and house number) in (city)' 

The person who picks up the keys, needs to show us the authorisation mail and a copy of your ID.

ARRIVAL: What will we discuss during the registration day?


During the registration day we will welcome you at Tilburg or Breda. We will explain some procedures, answer your questions and of course we will give you your room key.

For more information about the complete program of the registration day please contact Tilburg University, Breda University of Applied Sciences or Avans University.

BOOKING: Would it be possible to move-out before the final date of my tenancy agreement?


If you are planning to leave before the final date of your tenancy agreement you will be obligated to pay all remaining amount of rent. Please contact us if you decide to leave before the final date of your tenancy agreement to discuss the procedures regarding your key, etc.
Please do read the information about cancellation of your reservation which is mentioned in the terms and conditions carefully.

YOUR STAY: How do I find out who my roommates are?


In most cases you will meet your roommates upon arrival so you have to be a little bit patient. Of course you can always try to find your future housemates via Facebook or social media. You can also fill in your contact information at your booking so others can reach out to you.

BOOKING: Would it be possible to stay in the same residence as my friend?


It is possible to stay in the same residence however you have to arrange it yourself.
Only students can make reservations by and for themselves, therefore this cannot be arranged for you. We advise you to arrange it together as soon as the reservation system opens. If you and your friend make a reservation at the same time, you will probably be able to reserve rooms either in the same residence or in the same building.

BOOKING: Is it possible to share a room?


Most of the rooms we offer are single rooms. It is not possible to share these rooms. Please note that in most cases you will have to share general facilities such as the kitchen, shower and toilet, and the living room. This information will be available per room. We have apartments in Rijtse Akkers with a livingroom and seperate bedroom, you can live there with another person (partner).

BOOKING: How can I access my personal account?


As soon as yourstudentroom.nl receives the news that you are accepted as a student of Tilburg University, Avans University or Breda University of Applied Sciences, your name will be added to the database. You will receive automatically an invitation e-mail. This invitation e-mail gives a link to sign in and make a reservation.

BOOKING: When will I receive my invitation e-mail?


Students that will start in August - the fall semester intake - will receive an invitation e-mail in June.

Students that will start in January - the spring semester intake - will receive an invitation e-mail in November.

Please note, yourstudentroom.nl will only send you an e-mail after we received the confirmation of your acceptance from your educational institution. 

BOOKING: I did not receive my invitation, what can I do?


First of all make sure to check your unsolicited e-mail (spam) folder. In case you didn’t receive your invitation you can contact the Housing Office of Tilburg University at studenthousing@tilburguniversity.edu, Avans University at internationaloffice@avans.nl or Breda University of Applied Sciences at accommodation@buas.nl.

Other possibilities
1. The e-mail address can be incorrect. Yourstudentroom.nl uses the e-mail addresses from the application form. Please inform your educational institution. You can contact Tilburg University at studenthousing@tilburguniversity.edu, Avans University at internationaloffice@avans.nl or Breda University of Applied Sciences at accommodation@buas.nl and they will inform us.
2. yourstudentroom.nl did not yet received your acceptance form.
Please inform your educational institution. You can contact Tilburg University at studenthousing@tilburguniversity.edu, Avans University at internationaloffice@avans.nl or Breda University of Applied Sciences at accommodation@buas.nl .

BOOKING: How does the accomodation at the Verbs (Prof. Verbernelaan, Tilburg) look?


Please go to this page on our website to see what the rooms look like.